Perceptions are the Challenge

We live in a fast-paced society with messages coming from many directions (tv, social media, friends, magazines, etc.) about how children should see themselves, as well as how they should act, feel, and think.

Girls are often finding themselves in life events they feel pressured to be in. Living based on what they perceive is supposed to be the “right way,” or in a way they think others will accept them. This is not healthy and ultimately has serious ramifications 1 in every 5 children has a diagnosable psychiatric disorder and 1 in every 10 suffers from a mental illness severe enough to impair everyday living (2010). These are scary statistics indicating the intense need for support for children.

Offer Guidance and Activities

WholeHearted Girls was founded based on the vision that with guidance, love, safety, and support. Girls can be successful individuals living true to themselves and proud of who they are.

Our goal is to give girls in 4th through 8th grade opportunities to create safe communities with others, identify and value internal individual characteristics, and learn strategies to help them stay true to who they are as people.

We do this utilizing a powerful curriculum full of engaging activities focusing on 4 areas:

  • Authenticity,

  • Self-Love,

  • Courage, and

  • Letting Go.

We provide opportunities for girls to explore and accept who they are at their developmental level. We teach that what we give to the world we get back and give to ourselves. We empower girls to live courageously and let go of the things holding us back from living to our greatest potential. These powerful concepts teach girls to be strong in who they are, follow their dreams with confidence and purpose, and understand that no experience is wasted.