Gossiping vs venting

This is something you’ll deal with for the rest of your life. What can I say we are chicks and it’s like we are hardwired to do both. However, knowing the difference is just keeping you aware of the intentions is a really good start!

This will not be easy to tell the difference. Let’s start with gossiping.

Gossiping is when you talk about people to deliberately make them look bad. It entails talking about their personal situations that have nothing to do with you. No problems are being solved in a gossip session.

Venting is that you may want to vent about someone who upset you to your best friend or a family member. This allows you to express your emotions rather than holding them back in. It makes you feel a bit light when the other person acknowledges your feelings without any judgments. They support you and might offer solutions to the concerned issues.


Block & Bless


Jealousy has two seats!